For about a decade, I had created immersive environments that were simultaneously enticing and forbidding. In this body of work I pulled the lens back, allowing for negative space to create borders within the composition and centralize an abstracted form. The forms can play as both amorphic figures and individual islands of fantastical landscapes or mindscapes.
I read a lot on geological history, and am particularly interested in splitting of land, resulting in islands. By relating my drawings and paintings to this history, each piece of art is its own entity, but there are overlaps, showing divergence and evolution in concept and form. A drawing or painting individually presents an abstracted world and then grouped together are reflective of an archipelago. They are not a series but rather a fragmenting of landmass, a splintering of a thought, a relational collective experience. To inform my visual library I travel to diverse landscapes to seek out the new, but often find overlaps to previous experiences. By using the landscape as a visual for human experience, I explore the concept of “no man is an island”; what are the connection we have with one another, just as there are connections in a network of islands. Even when they may not be obvious, if you look closely there are similarities; little moments of beauty to be explored and celebrated amongst the layers of complex and dense information that we consistently encounter or that we consistently embody. 

Erin Treacy Islands/Centerpieces/Compost 12" x 12"
Compost 3: Good for the Eyes
12" x 12"
Erin Treacy Islands/Centerpieces/Compost
Compost 2: Summer Soul
12" x 12"
Erin Treacy Islands/Centerpieces/Compost
Compost 1: Lime with that
12" x 12"
Erin Treacy Islands/Centerpieces/Compost Charcoal, Conte, Marker, and Watercolor on Paper
Compost 8: And Coffee Held it Together
Charcoal, Conte, Marker, and Watercolor on Paper
10" x 12"
Erin Treacy Islands/Centerpieces/Compost Marker, Acrylic, and Oil on Panel
The Suns and the Moons
Marker, Acrylic, and Oil on Panel
10 " x 10"
Erin Treacy Islands/Centerpieces/Compost Acrylic and Oil on Panel
Winter Breakfast: Carrot Soup
Acrylic and Oil on Panel
10" x 10"
Erin Treacy Islands/Centerpieces/Compost Acrylic and Oil on Panel
And She Twirled
Acrylic and Oil on Panel
10" x 10"
Erin Treacy Islands/Centerpieces/Compost Marker, Acrylic, and Oil on Panel
Fingers Scapped the Landscape
Marker, Acrylic, and Oil on Panel
10" x 10"
Erin Treacy Islands/Centerpieces/Compost Acrylic and Oil on Panel
Autumn Coffee
Acrylic and Oil on Panel
10" x 10"
Erin Treacy Islands/Centerpieces/Compost Charcoal, Conte, and Acrylic on Paper
Compost 14: The Mouth Trees Come to Life
Charcoal, Conte, and Acrylic on Paper
11" x 11"
Erin Treacy Islands/Centerpieces/Compost Charcoal, Conte, and Acrylic on Paper
Compost 15: One Little World
Charcoal, Conte, and Acrylic on Paper
11.5" x 11.25"
Erin Treacy Islands/Centerpieces/Compost Charcoal, Conte, and Acrylic on Paper
Compost 13: Decay into Growth
Charcoal, Conte, and Acrylic on Paper
11" x 11"
Erin Treacy Islands/Centerpieces/Compost Charcoal, Conte, Marker, and Watercolor on Paper
Compost 11: Beach Birthday
Charcoal, Conte, Marker, and Watercolor on Paper
11" x 11"
Erin Treacy Islands/Centerpieces/Compost

Erin Treacy Islands/Centerpieces/Compost

Erin Treacy Islands/Centerpieces/Compost

Erin Treacy Islands/Centerpieces/Compost Acrylic on Paper
Vermont Flower Cave
Acrylic on Paper
12" x 11.75"
Erin Treacy Islands/Centerpieces/Compost Marker and Watercolor on Paper
Marker and Watercolor on Paper
10.5" x 11"
Erin Treacy Islands/Centerpieces/Compost Pencil, Conte, Marker, Acrylic on Paper
Island 24
Pencil, Conte, Marker, Acrylic on Paper
22" x 30"
Erin Treacy Islands/Centerpieces/Compost

Erin Treacy Islands/Centerpieces/Compost

Erin Treacy Islands/Centerpieces/Compost Pencil, Conte, Marker, Acrylic on Paper
Island 23
Pencil, Conte, Marker, Acrylic on Paper
22" x 30"
Erin Treacy Islands/Centerpieces/Compost Pencil, Conte, Marker, Acrylic on Paper
Pencil, Conte, Marker, Acrylic on Paper
22" x 30"
Erin Treacy Islands/Centerpieces/Compost Pencil, Conte, Marker, Acrylic on Paper
Island/Centerpiece 21
Pencil, Conte, Marker, Acrylic on Paper
22" x 30"
Erin Treacy Islands/Centerpieces/Compost Marker and Acrylic on Paper
Island/Centerpiece 22
Marker and Acrylic on Paper
22" x 30"
Erin Treacy Islands/Centerpieces/Compost

Erin Treacy Islands/Centerpieces/Compost Pencil, Conte, Marker, Acrylic on Paper
Island/Centerpiece 19
Pencil, Conte, Marker, Acrylic on Paper
22" x 30"
Erin Treacy Islands/Centerpieces/Compost Pencil, Conte, Marker, Acrylic on Paper
Island/Centerpiece 18
Pencil, Conte, Marker, Acrylic on Paper
22" x 30"
Erin Treacy Islands/Centerpieces/Compost Pencil, Conte, Marker, Acrylic on Paper
Island/Centerpiece 20
Pencil, Conte, Marker, Acrylic on Paper
22" x 30"
Erin Treacy Islands/Centerpieces/Compost Pencil, Conte, Marker, Acrylic on Paper
Island/Centerpiece 14
Pencil, Conte, Marker, Acrylic on Paper
22" x 30"
Erin Treacy Islands/Centerpieces/Compost Pencil, Conte, Marker, Acrylic on Paper
Island/Centerpiece 13
Pencil, Conte, Marker, Acrylic on Paper
22" x 30"
Erin Treacy Islands/Centerpieces/Compost Pencil, Conte, Marker, Acrylic on Paper
Island/Centerpiece 12
Pencil, Conte, Marker, Acrylic on Paper
22" x 30"
Erin Treacy Islands/Centerpieces/Compost Pencil, Conte, Marker, Acrylic on Paper
Island/Centerpiece 17
Pencil, Conte, Marker, Acrylic on Paper
22" x 30"
Erin Treacy Islands/Centerpieces/Compost Pencil, Conte, Marker, Acrylic on Paper
Island/Centerpiece 5
Pencil, Conte, Marker, Acrylic on Paper
22" x 30"
Erin Treacy Islands/Centerpieces/Compost Pencil, Conte, Marker, Acrylic on Paper
Island/Centerpiece 10
Pencil, Conte, Marker, Acrylic on Paper
22" x 30"
Erin Treacy Islands/Centerpieces/Compost Pencil, Conte, Marker, Acrylic on Paper
Island/Centerpiece 11
Pencil, Conte, Marker, Acrylic on Paper
22" x 30"
Erin Treacy Islands/Centerpieces/Compost Pencil, Conte, Marker, Acrylic on Paper
Island/Centerpiece 16
Pencil, Conte, Marker, Acrylic on Paper
22" x 30"
Erin Treacy Islands/Centerpieces/Compost Pencil, Conte, Marker, Acrylic on Paper
Island/Centerpiece 15
Pencil, Conte, Marker, Acrylic on Paper
22" x 30"
Erin Treacy Islands/Centerpieces/Compost Pencil, Conte, Marker, Acrylic on Paper
Island/Centerpiece 6
Pencil, Conte, Marker, Acrylic on Paper
19.5" x 25.5"
Erin Treacy Islands/Centerpieces/Compost Pencil, Conte, Marker, Acrylic on Paper
Island/Centerpiece 8
Pencil, Conte, Marker, Acrylic on Paper
19.5" x 25.5"
Erin Treacy Islands/Centerpieces/Compost Pencil, conte, and marker on paper

Pencil, conte, and marker on paper
6" x 8"
Erin Treacy Islands/Centerpieces/Compost Pencil, conte, and marker on paper

Pencil, conte, and marker on paper
6" x 8"
Erin Treacy Islands/Centerpieces/Compost Pencil, Conte, Marker, Acrylic on Paper
Island/Centerpiece 7
Pencil, Conte, Marker, Acrylic on Paper
19.5" x 25.5"
Erin Treacy Islands/Centerpieces/Compost Pencil, Conte, Marker, Acrylic on Paper
Island/Centerpiece 9
Pencil, Conte, Marker, Acrylic on Paper
19.5" x 25.5"
Erin Treacy Islands/Centerpieces/Compost Pencil, Conte, Marker, Acrylic on Paper
Island/Centerpiece 4
Pencil, Conte, Marker, Acrylic on Paper
22" x 30"
Erin Treacy Islands/Centerpieces/Compost Pencil, Conte, Marker, Acrylic on Paper
Island/Centerpiece 1
Pencil, Conte, Marker, Acrylic on Paper
22" x 30"

Boxheart has it
Erin Treacy Islands/Centerpieces/Compost Pencil, Conte, Marker, Acrylic on Paper
Island/Centerpiece 2
Pencil, Conte, Marker, Acrylic on Paper
22" x 30"
Erin Treacy Islands/Centerpieces/Compost Pencil, Conte, Marker, Acrylic on Paper
Centerpiece 2
Pencil, Conte, Marker, Acrylic on Paper
22" x 30"
Erin Treacy Islands/Centerpieces/Compost Pencil, conte, and marker on paper

Pencil, conte, and marker on paper
6" x 8"
Erin Treacy Islands/Centerpieces/Compost Pencil, conte, and marker on paper

Pencil, conte, and marker on paper
6" x 8"
Erin Treacy Islands/Centerpieces/Compost Pencil, conte, and marker on paper

Pencil, conte, and marker on paper
6" x 8"
Erin Treacy Islands/Centerpieces/Compost Pencil, conte, and marker on paper

Pencil, conte, and marker on paper
6" x 8"
Erin Treacy Islands/Centerpieces/Compost Pencil, conte, and marker on paper

Pencil, conte, and marker on paper
6" x 8"
Erin Treacy Islands/Centerpieces/Compost Pencil, conte, and marker on paper

Pencil, conte, and marker on paper
6" x 8"
Erin Treacy Islands/Centerpieces/Compost Pencil, conte, and marker on paper

Pencil, conte, and marker on paper
6" x 8"
Erin Treacy Islands/Centerpieces/Compost Pencil, conte, and marker on paper

Pencil, conte, and marker on paper
6" x 8"